Saturday, July 30, 2011

i want my body back

assalamualaikum..sob3...nk body lama blik...arghh..siyes bdn naek 4 kg..argghhh..xgna ak diet 6 bln just to lose 10 kg lps spm..tup2,dh naek 5 kg..1 kg msa lps foundy stdy aritu..arghh...see,itulah klu dh food lust still never invade...pergh..knape leh naek,sbb duk k.nerang mkn mmg x tgk blakang...masa amek nasi,pakat msuk jer...xsmpt nk bilang brape,apa lg...sengal satu badan sbb berat naik.....arghh..n yg pling grammmmmmmmmmmmmm,xsmpt nk joging...haih...balik klate,kna mrh ngn mama...dia suh stop mkn nasi n kurangkan 10 kg lg...mmg ak nk la kan...ak rsa,pose nih makin gemok adalah..yelah,nengok best kalah makyam pekan msk...uwaaaaaaaaaaaa....tlg2...cmne nk krus nih...xmkn,kang lapo,pengsan,xleh blaja..cett..alasan cam penampo...well,doa kan ak,agar dpt krus n on the same time,llus test 2 n quiz...pergh..cuak gler...=.=''..k..dh xleh on9 salu...sbb tenet kt sana mmg cam,dkt raya br gua gerakkan blog nih...lntak la nk jd berhantu pon...^___^

Thursday, July 28, 2011

bday mama is tomorrow

ayat mcm keling..hahhaa..nway,supposed to be 52nd kan?hahaha..trok btul english ak nih...


sbnrnya tgh geram n bengang..ak pntg la org yg suka mnympah2..mean slalu sbut bnda like alat sulit,then ada s*** la...f***...n etc...anyway,klu rsa ak rude,xyah nk hipokrit k..just ttup je blog nih...cuma nk bgthu ketidakpuasan hati ak...geram gler2...ak xphm la..apa yg korang dpt klu duk sumpah2 bnda2 cmni..cubalah bwk mengucap ke...zikir..porah,mmsti nk kata ak bajet...mmg ak bajet sbb ak pling bnci org yg suka sumpah2 n ckp2 bnda2 kotor...xpuas aty,ckp bnda tuh,geram ke,ckp bnda tuh...mcm org xde iman..wei,come on la...act like org islam..klu xmmpu nk perform sbb org islam yg baik,at least,watch ur mouth...diri dh besar n dh thu menilai mn yg bek n bruk..xkan bnda mcm nih pon nk kna pksa g kls agama blik...bila org tgur,kata xcool la,xopen la..kepala hentuk ko...aku gigit gak..ingt sodap sgt ke duk sbut bnda2 cmtu...dari duk tmbh timbangan dosa,bek la g tmbah timbangan least bila kita mengucap,dpt gak pahala berganda2 lagi..nih,pegi tmbh bonus nk g neraka...itu bkn dosa kecik dh wei..bila ak tgk blik...ak assume only yg kurang manner jer akn sbut bnda jijik n ridiculous ada lg yg msih kolot...still follow the barat's life...haih...nama islam,ic tulis islam,tp diri mak aih..kalah encik muhamad bin saleh....pfftttt...ak x phm la org mlayu skung...pemakaian pon,ish2,klh makcik kt pasar...ngn laki nyer,ngn pmpuannyer...haih..knpem ak kna fire bila tgur cmni...lntklah..ak cuma nk gtaw apa yg ak nmpk n hrp2 Allah bukakan hati dorang2 nih...ak sndri pn rsa ak xleh nk tgur bab2 mcm nih..sbb msti isu ak cuma nk korng apply agama islam bkn skadar hnya pd nm dan amal apa yg dilakukan...xssh nk ttup aurat kn??x ssh nk sbut bnda baik kan??xssh nk jg batas kan???aih...ak pon x perfect,tp ak tgur sbb sakit mata n tlinga duk dgr org bebel psl sesetengah sikap org islam kt malaysia...aku wakil sesetengah org...brubah demi kebaikan dri...if u change slowly,u will feel the calmness...perghh...mcm keling ayat ak...ok la...geram ak pon dh ok sket...pfft...see,sbnrnya duk gram dgn org yg suka sumpah2 nih tp g msuk bab lain plk..anyway,bab ttup aurat tuh,ak sndri truk dlm berpakaian tp ak sdg cuba mmperbaiki..alhamdulillah,bila duk dkt k.nerang,the attire had change...u can also do it..dun wori k...just do it slowly...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A happy moment with them.

Assalamualaikum…sedar xsedar it’s almost 2 month ive been to kuala nerang..i feel like im younger than my age..hehehe…well,I enjoy stayed there…all students treated me just like their age..but still they called me kak iqa…emm…well,seriously..i love to be with them..with their encouragement and lecturer’s effort to help us…what a great thing…it is useful and feel really grateful for the second chances given..but before this,im a lil bit result in other subject except bio,a lil bit down n under my expectation..i have to brush them up and give a lot of efforts instead of stdying useless things rite… too absorbed to go out from there..i didn’t see any opportunity until my application to enter uitm to pursue my degree in education study was not approved…but I was given a courses that was under upsi and surprisingly the course was in an open market …that means,my possibility to get a job is so low…haih…I feel so down and I cried a lot..luckily,its just a temporary one coz there were some people who kept encouraged me which were my parent,siblings and my younger- one- year friends…They really helped me a lot…they give everything…they explained about how lucky I am coz I got a second chances to start my foundy back…Alhamdulillah,I realize and deep in my heart,I should feel great and bersyukur kan??…and from that on,Im promise that,I wont give up..i will make mama and abah happy and give them something big..
Since ive been to k.nerang,life just like school instead of college real life..there’s no playing time and a lot of homework given by every lecturers in every subject..somehow,I think I wanna surrender but when I saw my friends sincerely and doesn’t sigh for the works..i thinks,I got to do the same…be strong and be wise to myself..before this,I learn on something just to pass my examination,so you do right??tell me if I was mistaken..but now,I study and learn something to become more understand instead of study just for examination..coz understand are more reliable than study for exam rite..thankful to my buddies,puteri,matun,naja,dilah,sikin and the rest who kept encourage me…labiu la bebeh2…
if I can fulfil my desire to become a doctor,I will never look back..i will throw away my past life with everyone who successfully ruined me during foundation stdy at uitm..i should become more aware and stop playing around…alhamdulillah,I started to rely myself more to Allah, and parent..and stop playing with satan’s love…same goes to you guys…if you wish to stay away from him in ur heart,he will keep it…so,please aware on everything u have done…keep asking him around and never stop doing doa and ask for his bless…lets start our new life with something fresh and more bless by him…
Ok la friends..tq for reading my merapu and really broken English…haha....since ive been so busy to speed up my study,I’ve got no choice unless kept silence for a year,if u miss me…do leave a comment or message through my inbox in fb or email.ecewah,mcm eden mau poie berporang plok..aiyoyo…nway,.insyaAllah,I will reply as soon as keep in touch..sayonara,assalamualaikum… T_____________T

meh beli..murah2