ok readers...jgn trkjut..just in case je nih sbnrnya...aku mmg dh buang tebiat kan...bkn pe,saje nk tulis apa yg trsirat di hati...ala,aku single k...xde mkna nk kapel2 nih...bg aku bek aku kawen tros dri kapel kan3...aku xkan mnolak jdoh jika aku kawen muda..sbb bg aku,itulah jdoh aku..cewah..bunyik mcm dh ada kan??hahaha...xde la..just in case again k...
dear hubby
plis be good towards me...
i wish a romantic moment with u...every second n every minute...ecewah
wish a rose could be by my side every day...
i nd u to be my leader throughout my life pathway...
jika Allah dh jnjikan kita brsatu slamanya,i snggup n rela mati demi u...err =.=''
i want u to be my imam...my bestfriend,my soulmate,my shoppingmate,toiletmate...ooppsss....sensored2..hahahaha...ssori trshashul...hahaha...
i wish i could hug u ttiil the end of our lives n until we meet there,heaven...
i want to be ur bidadari..
i want to be the eternity queen in ur heart...
i want to be the best lady in ur heart after ur mother...
i want u to teach our child how to behave their manner like u..
i dont want ur money,but i want ur love n sincerity in our relationship...
i dont care if i nd to stay in a small house...as long as,there's a rain of love showering us...
i hope u can be the best hubby in my life n afterlife...
hopefully,we can bring happiness towards our babies...
going to love u forever...
Allah,pliz give me the man that i should deserve to get...please let me know wether,he can lend his shoulder towards me or not...i wish to be by his side in my forever life...
jika itulah jodohku,aku trima...mngkin dialah yg trbaek buatku...:)